Home Remedies To Pass A Drug Test Naturally
How to Pass a Drug Test Naturally Home Remedies – Are They Really That Useful?
Author: Kristen Shea
Article Updated: December 21st 2018
Perhaps you have heard about how to pass a drug test naturally with home remedies in recent time.
After all, you might have a strong need in finding a way to get traces of drugs out of your body to pass a upcoming drug test.
But it is important to watch for how most of these drug test natural home remedies might not work as well as you thought they would.
Below you will find some info on home remedy’s that may help a very light marijuana user pass.
Most importantly you will learn why using a Complete THC Detox Pill Supplement is your best and only sure way to pass worry free.
Drinking Water To Pass A Drug Test Naturally
One of the more popular options for passing a drug test entails drinking more water. This could help you out with getting rid of some of the toxins in your body. However, such a process might end up diluting the drugs in your body.
That is, they will still be in there but they will not be as strong as they used to be. This is problematic as you will fail a test even when you have a diluted sample.
Drinking Cranberry Juice To Pass Drug Test Naturally
Cranberry juice is especially popular for how it is a powerful diuretic. It can help you with going to the bathroom more often but it might not stimulate your kidneys as well as other herbal treatments could.
Anything thats used as a diuretic is supposed to get the kidneys to start producing enough sodium to help with actually removing toxins.
Remember, just because you are urinating more often doesn’t always mean that you are really getting those difficult toxins out of your body as you might wish.
Is Vinegar Helpful For A Drug Test?
Vinegar has long been considered to be a home remedy to pass a drug test naturally in that it can alter the pH level of your urine. Many believe that this helps to weaken the traces of drugs in your body.
But this is not necessarily going to clear out the drug metabolites that you are trying to actually get rid of.
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Is Salt Useful?
Many people also think that salt is a great home remedy to pass a drug test in that it’s going to collect drug toxins in your urine when added to the urine test sample. This method will not work. For more info read our article on salt and drug testing.
Why A Natural Total Herbal Cleanse Works Best!
While most “how to pass a drug test home remedies” sound appealing and could help in some cases, they are not going to be as effective as using a 7 day full body detox.
The herbal ingredients in these products will help you clear out difficult drug toxins all around your body.
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Diuretics To Help You To Pass A Drug Test Naturally?
On the surface, you might think that diuretics will help when you are trying to pass a drug test naturally simply because they are capable of forcing compounds out of your body. After all, such diuretics will help you to urinate more often.
But there is much more to diuretics than just them helping you to urinate. While it is true that you can use such compounds to improve upon your urine flow, they may also help you with stimulating natural kidney functions to speed up the detox process.
This in turn may make it easier for your body’s natural detoxification processes to work to pass a drug test.
Diuretics And Drug Testing
A diuretic is defined as any substance that increases urine output. Caffeine, cranberry juice, and most “quick flush” herbal teas marketed as “detoxifiers” are diuretics.
Water, though also effective in helping marijuana smokers “beat” the test, is not a diuretic. Consuming diuretic fluids just prior to taking a urine test dilutes the concentration of drug metabolites in the sample below the threshold of detection.
However, this effect is only temporarily. Because marijuana’s primary metabolite is fat soluble, consuming no amount of fluids – even diuretic fluids – will permanently “flush” it out of one’s system.
Once the short-term effect of the diuretic wears off and the urine returns to its proper concentration, cannabis metabolites will once again become readily detectable to snooping drug screeners.
While using a product such as Ultra THC Detox Pills we recommend using a diuretic to aid in the detox process, but a diuretic alone will not help you pass a drug test.
Activating the Kidneys
The key part of a diuretic is that it assists in getting your kidneys to function properly. Your kidneys will release added sodium into your urine when they are triggered. The sodium will then take water from your blood and clear it out of your body.
This works well with the detoxification process. As the kidneys start to work, they will produce enough sodium to break down difficult drug compounds and other toxins.
This helps with keeping your kidneys active and will ensure you stay clean. It works quickly and doesn’t entail more stress on your body than what you might be comfortable with.
How Much Time To Pass A Drug Test For Marijuana
How Can I Pass A Drug Test Naturally With Ultra THC Detox Pills
Our powerful herbal formula works to flush all of the THC toxins out of you system within 7 days. Unlike other brands, we don’t advertise an overnight miracle cure, because our system actually cleans your system, and it doesn’t just mask the toxins.
This is an extremely important distinction because depending on your state; it can be a felony to use any product that alters the results of a drug test or masks the marijuana in your system for a court ordered or government company employment drug test.
The most popular masking agents are fake / synthetic urine. To add to the severity of this, most drug tests can now detect the chemical makeup of masking agents, which increases your chances of getting caught.
How to Get Weed Out of Your System Fast By Targeting the Bladder
The problem with the bladder when it comes to weed is that this part of the body can retain this drug for a while. Many metabolites from marijuana can be stuck in the bladder region.
They can especially be in the urinary tract. This can be a real problem as sometimes THC / Weed metabolites might stick around even after a few days.
It is critical that the bladder is fully emptied and that enough urine can be processed to where all sorts of toxins, particularly those weed metabolites, can be flushed out.
The Best Way To Pass Your Drug Test Naturally
Our Total Herbal Cleanse Detox will help you to pass a drug test fast by detoxing your system completely of THC.
Its maximum strength cleansing formula consists of some of the most powerful natural cleansing agents in the world.
A few of the organic, natural ingredients are Burdock Root, Cat’s Claw Bark, Dandelion Root, Goldenseal, Pau D’Arco Bark, Rhubarb Root, and Sheep Sorrel Herb.
Each of these ingredients blends together to completely remove the THC toxins from your system within 7 days! This means you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are toxin free and will pass your drug test guaranteed!
The best part of our detox is that the ingredients are 100% natural and safe for the body. This part of how to clear weed out of your system especially does well with keeping your body in check without risking a failed drug test.
If you are looking to get clean in 7 days we can help!
Be certain that you look at this product when finding a way to stay healthy and to avoid many of the commonplace problems that come with weed being stuck in your body and not passing your upcoming test.
If you plan on cheating on a drug test for weed think again, its not worth it.
Things to Consider For the Best Way to Pass a Urine Drug Test For Weed
The problem with weed is that it can stick around in your body for a long time after you use it. It might be in your body for about three to five days on average although it could be there for a few weeks if you really use it quite often.
That’s why it is so important for you to look at what you can do when finding the best way to pass a urine drug test for weed.
There are several great points to use when finding a way to pass such a test. Total Herbal Cleanse weed detox especially works well as one of the best options for your demands when aiming to keep yourself clean. It is also very important to eat healthy detox foods to pass your drug test.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Hydration is critical to your success when trying to pass a drug test naturally. When you are properly hydrated, you will have an easier time with passing urine while the kidneys and liver start to work properly. They will be activated and will work quickly to clear out toxins.
Still, you have to use other solutions to go along with this as some traces of weed may still be visible even after drinking loads of water.
Get Your Bowel Movements Working
It is also important to have regular bowel movements. This is for clearing out fat-based toxins that can hold weed compounds.
These can often be spotted in a typical drug test and have to be removed from your body as soon as possible so the overall risk of drug-related issues will be minimal.
Avoid Medicines
You have to avoid any added medicines that you might take for other purposes. These could cause some of the traces of drugs in your body to stick around for a little longer.
By avoiding such medicines, you will keep the risk of failing your drug test from being a real burden.
Use Total Herbal Cleanse Detox Pills
No matter what you plan on doing, it helps to use Ultra THC Magic Detox to help you with clearing out difficult traces of weed from your body.
This works well for a weed test in that Total Herbal Cleanse uses herbal antioxidants and antibacterial agents to help clean out all THC from your body including toxins stored in fat cells.
Using our THC Detox Kit is very easy! You simply have to make a few simple diet adjustments and take the capsules. You take two pills when you wake up, two at midday, and two before you go to bed.
With each pill, you should drink at least 16 ounces of water for maximum effect, and you can take them with or without food.
Everything you do to pass a urine drug test for weed can really make a world of difference. It is especially important to look at how you can use Total Herbal Cleanse to make it easier for you to flush out weed from your system.
Ultra Detox Also Cleanses Your System For:
- Amphetamines (meth, speed, crank, ecstasy)
- Cocaine (coke, crack)
- Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)
- Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust)

Article References:
WikiHow.com – How To Pass Drug Test Home Remedies